First was FUD about Bitcoin being legit and having value at all, and then about it it being a good Store of Value or not over time.

I already hear and read about the new FUD being created and orchestrated ad hoc by some characters in order to achieve their goal moved by personal FIAT incentives IMO.

They will fight and try to neglect bitcoin as Medium of Exchange warning about changes in protocol (even softworks, and also about personal ownership advising for custodian and custody tools and service in order to protect the user. Lol.

Luckily there is a counter party to this, made by devs, entrepreneurs and real bitcoiners that are building and creating startups, services, softwares, apps and tools that will enable more and more users to use bitcoin as MoE so that this circular economy will flourish and bloom from the bottom up, organically, peer to peer, as it sould be.. separating money from the State.

Pura Vida bitcoiners, ad maiora 🤙🧡🫂🍀